Community Agreements
When you participate in our events, we expect you to follow these Community Agreements. Help us keep everyone safe and create a fun and welcoming environment for all!
1. Be open to learning from instructors and your classmates. Dance classes are a learning space that give us the ability to learn and grow with each other. Coming into class with a learning mindset is the best way to get the most out of your experience.
2. Ask consent before giving advice and respect if someone refuses it. Support other members by offering feedback when asked, always remaining constructive, tactful, and compassionate.
3. Be honest with yourself if you meet the prerequisites for each session you register for. Refer to the level and class descriptions on our website and ask if you’re not sure!
4. You can always, always say “no” to a dance or leave a dance before the song ends if you’re uncomfortable.
5. Respect everyone’s identities and backgrounds. You may not agree with everything said, but honor the humanity and dignity of everyone. This includes using each member’s correct pronouns.
6. Don’t assume dance roles based on physicality or identifying features.
7. Reject white supremacy, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, and other forms of oppression. Acknowledge the harm that they cause and understand that accessibility to dance classes is a privilege. If these values aren’t upheld in your group interactions, you will be asked to leave.
8. We are a dance organization, not a dating service. Do not use our events/classes as a place to find a date or hit on other attendees.
9. Swing Era Steps is an environment for the celebration, practice, and development of Swing Era dances and music. Understand that other styles of dance come with a different set of partnering agreements and aesthetics that may not be appropriate for our events.
10. It is encouraged to express if someone is harming you during our events. Please talk to one of the organizers/instructors if this is occurring. We want this to be a safe space for you.
11. Honor your body’s needs and protect your health. Please take a break to rest, drink water, or sit and observe when you need to. We encourage you to modify any class moves or exercises we do if you don’t feel comfortable with them. If you’re injured, you’re welcome to still come and observe the class.
12. If you’re sick, please stay home! Dancing in close contact easily spreads illnesses. If you’ve come into contact with someone sick recently, we recommend wearing a mask during class. Please wash your hands and use hand sanitizer regularly when dancing with others.
13. Practice good hygiene. You’ll be dancing with many people during our events. You may want to chew gum or bring breath mints, wear deodorant (but please no fragrances like perfume/cologne!), or bring a change of clothes.
Liability Waiver
In consideration for being allowed to participate in Swing Era Steps classes and events, I release from liability and waive my right to sue Sarah Siertle, Rachel Kreher, Josha Ho, the Slovenian National Home and their employees, officers, partners, staff, volunteers, independent contractors and/or agents from any and all claims, including claims of negligence resulting in physical or psychological injury, illness (including death) or economic loss which I or any minors I sign up and/or accompany may suffer or which may result from participation in, travel to or from, or any events incidental to the classes and events.
I or the minors I sign up and/or accompany me are voluntarily participating in the Swing Era Steps event. I or the minors I sign up and/or accompany me understand that there are risks associated with participating in the Swing Era Steps event such as physical and/or psychological injury, pain, suffering, illness, disfigurement, temporary or permanent disability, death, economic loss or theft of belongings. These outcomes may arise from my own or other’s actions, inactions, or negligence or from the condition of the Swing Era Steps event location or facilities. Nonetheless, I or the minors I sign up and/or accompany assume all risks of my/their participation in Swing Era Steps classes whether known or unknown to me, including travel to and from Swing Era Steps classes or any events incidental to Swing Era Steps classes.
I and any minors I sign up and/or accompany me to Swing Era Steps classes agree to hold Sarah Siertle, Rachel Kreher, Josha Ho, the Slovenian National Home and their employees, officers, partners, staff, volunteers, independent contractors and/or agents harmless from any and all claims, loss or damage to my personal property, liabilities and costs, including attorney’s fees, that might occur as a result of my participation in Swing Era Steps classes, including travel to and from, and any events incidental to the Swing Era Steps classes. If Sarah Siertle, Rachel Kreher, Josha Ho, the Slovenian National Home and their employees, officers, partners, staff, volunteers, independent contractors and/or agents incur any of these types of expenses I agree to reimburse the party who incurred such expense.
I represent and warrant that I and any minors I sign up and/or accompany, are physically fit and have no medical condition that would prevent full participation in the dance classes, dance parties, or any event or program. If I or any minors I sign up and/or accompany need medical treatment as a result of participation in, travel to or from, or any events incidental to Swing Era Steps classes, I agree to be financially responsible for any costs incurred as a result of such treatment. I am aware that Sarah Siertle, Rachel Kreher, Josha Ho, the Slovenian National Home and their employees, officers, partners, staff, volunteers, independent contractors and/or agents do not provide health insurance and that I should carry my own health insurance for myself or any minors I sign up and/or accompany.
If I am signing up a minor for Swing Era Steps classes, I am the parent or legal guardian of the Participant and I allow the Participant to participate in Swing Era Steps classes. I understand that I am responsible for the obligations and acts of the Participant as described in this document and agree to be bound by the terms of this document.
I grant Sarah Siertle, Rachel Kreher, Josha Ho, the Slovenian National Home and any hired or volunteer photographers and/or videographers permission to photograph and/or record video of my participation or the participation of any minors I sign up and/or accompany me in Swing Era Steps classes and events. I grant Sarah Siertle, Rachel Kreher, Josha Ho, the Slovenian National Home and any hired or volunteer photographers and/or videographers permission to use such photos and/or videos in any form including but not limited to future publications, social media, web content, illustration, copyright purposes, digital or printed materials. I further agree that such use shall be without payment of fees, royalties, special credit or other compensation.